Princess Sophia, Miss Storm Smart

Hello, my name is Sophia Zeinner. I am so excited to participate for the second time in the Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Parade Pageant. I am 16 years old and am a sophomore at Southwest Florida Christian Academy. I have been a varsity cheerleader for the past two years. I have been part of the National Honors Society and National Junior Honors Society for the past few years. I am also very active in my youth group. My family moved to Fort Myers 2 years ago from Cincinnati, Ohio. I love being in Fort Myers and greatly enjoy going to Fort Myers Beach. Since Hurricane Ian there was so much devastation at Fort Myers Beach and there has been so much progress in rebuilding. I am excited to participate in the Shrimp Festival and plan to use my bubbly personality, positive spirit and energy to add to the healing and growth at Fort Myers Beach! 

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